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Like BeReal, but for Music Lovers

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Join Waitlist

Leave the e-mail to which we can reach out once our App is developed


BeFan lets music lovers collect music related opinions and memories on their homepages and express knowledge and favorite songs in community polls.


Putting Listener's Pride for Music in the Center


Fan Page


Friends and Listening Parties

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Daily Polls


Recommend and Grade

Homepage deep dive


Leverage the experiences and opinions you have on music and concerts on your own profile page. 
Update concert videos and make your taste speak for itself.


Choose Your Themes

Decide what aspects of your music fandom you want to showcase. Whether it’s concerts, fan art, playlists, or exclusive memorabilia, your page reflects your unique connection to music.

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Open or join theme groups, in which algorithms and users ask questions relevant to the theme. 
You must think of a suitable song for the answer.


Select relevant groups

Groups are opened to post music questions related to specified topics. They can be broad or restricted to Musicians, as specified by the settings. 

Daily Questions get asked by AI robots, or by each community member in turns.

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Music Groups Deep Dive


Have recurring interactions on music topics you are passionate about.The language we speak is that of songs

Follow artists and fans to see their profiles and answers

Following people impacts what you see in your update feed. 

Besides daily music quiz, you see the daily comments and profile updates of friends.

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Network - Deep Dive


If you spend money making memories at shows and music, we think you should have a digital place to leverage and capture all your experience

Recommend to friends

Make a game out of music recommendations and collect a grade. 

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Interact - Deep Dive
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Would you use BeFan?


We are a team of passionate music founders who believe that music fans want to make music a topic of discussion and social contact beyond Spotify Wrapped. 


​​With our current App development we might be on to something.. Or we are totally off..

Your brutally honest feedback on our product will help us estimate if the idea is good to continue App development and time investment.

Brutally honest opinions only

How often do you post music related content to your social media?
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